Healthy Vegan - In My Kitchen February
In my kitchen this February, I have lots of citrus fruit: oranges, limes and lemons. I have had a sore throat for a long while and am on antibiotics. The doctors can't figure out what is wrong and I am on a waiting list to see a specialist. I have tried lots of over the counter medicine, but had to resort going to the doctors eventually. I am trying to drink a lot more water, but you know water can be a bit boring, so I have tried to perk it up with some fresh ginger and lemon. In My kitchen is an organiser gifted to me over Christmas by a work colleague. I quite like it. I have to admit though that I don't have any wall space and this is hanging inside one of the kitchen cupboards which is a bit of a shame as I have forgotten about it. Over the weekend we went to the Cardiff Viva Vegan Festival - check out this link if you want to see more. I came home with a few things, most of which had been consumed on the day. The only two things ...